Ready to become a homebuyer?
Applications are currently CLOSED
Strong and stable homes build strong and stable communities.
Working in partnership with local families, Habitat creates opportunities for homeownership.
Future Habitat homeowners are active participants in the homebuilding and home buying process. The foundation of our unique program is working in partnership with families seeking the strength, stability, and independence that homeownership provides. Habitat homeowners build and buy their very own homes, creating brighter futures for themselves and their families.
Habitat’s model creates a cycle of community investment putting home mortgage payments to work building more homes.
In need of improved housing
Eliminating substandard housing is a core tenet of Habitat for Humanity.
Future homeowners must show a need that can be determined by many factors such as:
unsafe or unhealthy living conditions
rental costs that exceed 50% of monthly household income
Willing to partner with Habitat
Future homeowners are active participants in the construction process and are positive representatives of Habitat in the community.
All future homeowners are required to complete a minimum of 200 hours per adult buyer as part of that partnership, working alongside Habitat construction staff and volunteers to build their own home, the homes of their neighbors, or even in the ReStore or administrative offices.
Able to pay an affordable mortgage
Applicants must have stable income and earn between 50% and 80% of the Area Median Income. There should be at least two years of good credit, no bankruptcy within the past two years, and no delinquent debt. Mortgage payments are tailored to homeowners and will be no more than 30% of the gross monthly household income.
The journey to homeownership can be intimidating. We’ll be there at every step.
Purchasing your first home is a big deal. The Habitat path to homeownership begins with a multi-step approval process that ensures our program is right for you. Our goal is to set you up for success so you can begin building a brighter future for yourself and your family.
No homeownership orientations are scheduled at this time. Add your name to our interest list to be notified about our next one.
Here are questions we answer the most.
We do not have a waitlist. Applications are not accepted on an open or rolling basis. Instead, we accept applications during an open period specific to the properties that are for sale at that time.
No, Habitat homeowners pay an affordable mortgage.
Yes, you must reside or work in Sumner County or be a resident of a nearby county that does NOT have a Habitat affiliate.
As part of their partnership with Habitat, future Habitat homeowners contribute 200 hours of labor per adult applicant. This “sweat equity” can be performed on the construction of their own home, the construction of homes for others, assisting in the ReStore or in the administrative offices, or on other Habitat projects.