imagine a world
where everyone has a decent place to live.
No matter who we are or where we come from, we all deserve a decent place to call home.
We all deserve to feel strength and stability each day. We deserve to know we have the power to care for ourselves and shape our own futures.
This is the unifying force at Habitat for Humanity.
Through shelter, we empower. Our shared vision is a world where everyone has a decent place to live. Because you, me, we—everyone—deserves the opportunity for a better future.
Habitat for Humanity of Sumner County, Tennessee Inc. (HFHSC) is a proud affiliate of Habitat for Humanity International, a global nonprofit committed to building homes, communities, and hope. At HFHSC, we strive to eliminate substandard housing both locally and worldwide by constructing, rehabilitating, and preserving homes. We advocate for fair and just housing policies and provide training and resources to help families improve their living conditions. We believe that every person deserves a simple, durable place to live with dignity and safety. Decent shelter in thriving communities is not just a goal but a shared responsibility and a call to action for all.
Diversity, equity and inclusion
Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) is a central component to Habitat for Humanity's historical and theological imperatives, from our foundations at Koinonia farm to our worldwide housing ministry today. The collections and resources featured on this page are designed to provide a contextual framework on DEI in our organization and offer resources on how to prioritize DEI in every facet of our work. DEI is a strategic priority for HFHI and an ongoing journey in partnership with our affiliated organizations. This page will be routinely updated with new language and resources in accordance with our DEI Strategic Framework and the evolving needs of our organization. Within the Habitat sphere, we define DEI as follows:
Celebrating, representing and valuing the differences of those we work with and serve in communities around the world.
Creating processes and practices that ensure everyone involved gets what they need to achieve greater access and fairness in treatment and outcomes.
Committing to including the voices and needs of our diverse workforce, communities and residents to build hope and transform lives.
HFHSC has an open-door policy. All who believe that everyone needs a decent, affordable place to live are welcome to help with the work, regardless of race, religion, age, gender, political views or any of the other distinctions that too often divide people. In short, Habitat welcomes volunteers and supporters from all backgrounds and also serves people in need of decent housing regardless of race or religion. As a matter of policy, Habitat for Humanity International and its affiliated organizations do not proselytize. This means that Habitat will not offer assistance on the expressed or implied condition that people must either adhere to or convert to a particular faith, or listen and respond to messaging designed to induce conversion to a particular faith.